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Please note the following procedures to maintain our high levels of whole school student attendance:

Reporting absence:

It is a legal requirement for all students to attend school and for us to record students’ absences as ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’.  If your child is unwell or, for any other good reason, unable to attend school please inform the school office by telephone on the first day of absence. Please follow this up with a written note, explaining the reason for their absence, when they return to school. If your child is absent from school to attend a scheduled medical appointment please provide a copy of the appointment card / letter for our records.

Unfortunately we can no longer accept verbal absence messages sent with an escort or a driver.

Failure to provide an adequate explanation will result in the absence going on record as “unauthorised”.

Leave for Exceptional Circumstances:

The school recommendation is that you do not take your child out of school during term time. However, in exceptional circumstances requests will be considered.  A request form, obtained from school or downloaded here (click document below) must be completed and returned to school in good time for the request to be considered.  A number of factors, listed on the request form, must be satisfied in order for permission to be granted.

Children who are absent for more than 10 days following the expected date of return may be removed from roll and there can be no guarantee of your preferred school place on return.