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School Meals & Menu

The cost of a school meal is £2.80 per meal/£14 per week. Payment for school meals needs to be paid via MCAS. If your child is entitled to free school meals this will need to be confirmed by the benefits department. An application form for free school meals is available  online. 

Benefits  you must be receiving one of the following

Income Support
Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance
Income Related Employment and Support Allowance( )The Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit
Asylum Seeker (Immigration & Asylum Act 1999, part VI)
Child Tax Credit but do not receive Working Tax Credit and that my annual income is less that £16,190.
Universal Credit and that my annual net earnings are less than £7,400

Please note: you do not qualify for free school meals/pupil premium if you are in receipt of Working Tax Credit regardless of income.