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School Uniform

At Baginton Fields School it is not compulsory to wear a school uniform. There is an optional school uniform to help students identify with their school. The school uniform consists of a blue sweat shirt and either a blue or white polo shirt. Our official school sweatshirt, rugby and polo shirts are available from Clive Mark. Alternatively, plain jumpers and polo shirts are available for purchase at most major supermarkets.

Clive Mark Schoolwear Ltd

2284 Coventry Rd, Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3JR

Swimming & PE

Swimwear and towels should be sent to school as determined by your child’s timetable. For PE we ask that your child wears trainers to school on that day.

Assistance Available

We do have some second-hand clothing available and can access funding from the Coventry boot fund towards school shoes. If you feel that you need some assistance providing suitable clothing or shoes for your young person to wear to school, please contact the school office on 02476 303 854.

Please ensure that all of your child’s clothing and belongings are clearly named.

Download School Uniform Policy 2022

Recycling Uniform

We welcome old or new uniforms that are no longer needed in your home. We can reuse them as bibs or blouses or have them in our charity uniform bank. Your help is much appreciated.